Inntopia + Sensible Weather

Inntopia’s integration with Sensible Weather, the leading Weather Guarantee provider for travel and outdoor experiences, allows partners to offer guests an optional Weather Guarantee™ add-on during booking. If unexpected precipitation (rain, snow, or sleet) disrupts their experience, guests are proactively reimbursed up to 100%—no claims, no cancellations required—and they can still enjoy their trip.

Sensible Weather’s technology continuously monitors real-time weather conditions to determine when reimbursement thresholds are met. These thresholds vary by location and season and are clearly displayed at the time of booking and in guest communications. Each day coverage is triggered, guests receive automatic payouts for affected days, ensuring a seamless, worry-free experience.

The Weather Guarantee™ gives guests peace of mind when booking their trips, leading to higher conversion rates, advanced reservations, improved guest satisfaction, and additional revenue for partners—all with no added operational lift.

Note: For information on adding a Sensible Weather guarantee to an itinerary, click here.